Today I have done another interview with Radio Aire to promote our latest venture with our charity. They came out to see me at work during my lunch break. They are hoping to put the interview out on air tomorrow so if you can please try and listen.
I am starting to get used to hearing my voice on the radio now, I think I sound very different and strange but I don't find it quite so daunting now.
I have now done quite a few radio interviews but it still makes me feel a little nervous. I'm always a little worried in case I say the wrong thing or a swear word slips out.
If I know I am doing an interview I will usually spend a couple of days thinking about what |I am going to say and sometimes I run through it all in my head.
Today's interview was to promote our new 'Charlie Bears Adventures' and our 'free holiday for a bereaved family nomination scheme.'
We are hoping that with their help publicising them we can help lots more children and families going through a tough time. All we want is to make life a little easier during a rotten time.
If we had been able to have this kind of help we might have found the journey through grief a little easier.
The interview started quite up beat and looking at what was available in the pack, then we started focusing on how we want to support children going through or having gone through a bereavement.
The reporter then asked me to talk about how having Charlie bear had helped my granddaughters. As I began to talk everything was ok and I was explaining how important I thought it had been for them when suddenly I felt like someone had taken all my breath away.
All of a sudden I just started crying and I couldn't stop. I don't know what triggered it but it felt very unsettling.
It took me a while to compose myself and I apologised to the reporter.
She was worried that she had upset me but I told her that usually I am ok talking about things for the centre because I focus on what we want to achieve.
I think it showed me how grief can just suddenly just jump out and slap you round the face, you may think you are coping and dealing with things but it is still there just below the surface waiting to get out.
We all put on a face and go about our daily lives as its the only way we can keep functioning, but the need for support is still there.
Again it shows just how much charlies-angel-centre is needed.
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