Friday, 26 September 2014

Bereavement services

We continue to campaign for better bereavement services and this week we have heard that we are to be having a meeting with a Dr who is looking into what services are already available and what improvements and changes need to happen within the midwifery sector. 

This feels like a big step in the right direction for us and for other families going through similar situations. 
There needs to be that close working relationship between service users and the professionals if the systems are to work properly. 

We were not given adequate care when we were going through our loss and from talking to other families we were not in a minority. 

We hoped that we were just unlucky and that our experiences were rare but now we know that this is not the case. We have heard from families all over the UK who say that they have gone through similar experiences. 

I still don't understand how the NHS as an organisation can let down so many people all across the country. I could probably get to grips if it was just within one authority but for it to be such a widespread problem makes it impossible to comprehend.

For the NHS to agree to meet with us to listen to our ideas is a huge step forward for the future provisions. 
If we can work with them and get them to listen to the families that have been through a bereavement this can then hopefully influence what new services are developed.

Communication has been the biggest area that we have felt let down in. From the moment we left hospital the communication system broke down and no one seemed to talk to each other, no one seemed to tell each other what had happened resulting in Carrie being severely overlooked. 

If we can get the doors open for more communication then this can only be a good thing. 

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