After Charlie Died and we had got through the first few months when our brains were just mush we all knew we wanted to do something to honour his life.
We also knew we wanted to make a change to the services that were out there to help bereaved families. Our experience had been so negative. We had to make a difference for future families going through the same thing.
Initially we decided to set up a website. None of us had ever done this before so a lot of research was done. We had to decide on a name, what we wanted there to be on the site, who we were aiming the site at and how much info we wanted to put on.
Charlie's mamma, Sam, has been the main contributor to the website. She found the right page provider to go with and spent many hours finding out what had to go on and how to do it. The rest of us helped by providing written articles and ideas.
We went live with the website on June 1st 2013. was now a reality.
I remember feeling very excited but also a little strange. I wasn't sure at first how I felt sharing Charlie with the world. I knew that I wanted the charity to work and for Charlie to make an impact but I wanted to keep him for us. I think maybe it was the feeling that once everyone knew about him and saw him then it had all been real. I don't know if that makes any sense.
Then we had to deal with all the interest generated by the website. We had local radio stations and newspapers. The first time I had to go along and do an interview was so nerve racking. I remember that I was fine talking about what had happened to start with but as it went on I found myself getting quite emotional and tearful. I had to stop for a little while to compose myself. I was so glad that the radio interview was recorded.
Carrie also did an interview with Radio Aire. She found it very difficult to talk about Charlie and what had happened. I think it was too soon for her to be able to do it. After that first interview for Carrie she decided that she wasn't comfortable at the time to do interviews. I think she was amazingly brave doing the first interview and I really don't know where she got the strength to do it. I found it hard so how much harder must it have been for her.
We all just wanted to protect Carrie and take away anything that made her feel uncomfortable.
Since the website we have gone on to start a Facebook profile,
A Twitter account
Google Plus
We have also gone on to start petitions, both epetition and
one one
Although it has been a tough journey i think we are all
happy to do it for Charlie.
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