Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Here is our last Newsletter for 2018.

Thank you for all of the continued help and support you have shown to us and the families we support. We cant wait to see what we will be able to share with you in our first Newsletter of 2019 in January.

If there is anything you would particularly like us to feature in our Newsletters please let us know and we will try to incorporate it. 

We are always looking for articles/stories to share on our blog. We would really like to hear some of your inspirational stories and sharing them with other families can help them to see that what they are going through is "normal". Grief/bereavement is never easy and the loss of a baby or child is the hardest. Knowing that you are not alone can sometimes make a huge difference and seeing that others have felt the way you have and have experienced those 'difficult thoughts' really can be therapeutic.
We are always happy and proud to talk about Charlie and always appreciate it when people want to hear all about him. We never tire of meeting new families and hearing all about their little ones and we understand how important it is to be able to talk and remember them.

If you are happy to share your experiences you can email them to

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