Today I was interviewed by a young journalist who is interested in getting Charlie's story out to as many people as possible.
He feels that our story has such a powerful message for today's society.
Most newspapers and magazines always seem to have stories of terrible atrocities going on around the world or mad business men running a country. However he felt that our story, although it is a very sad story, shows the positive side of human nature.
Until someone says that to you you don't see your life as being like that.
Talking to him and giving the history of our charity it suddenly hits you that what we have achieved is actually pretty impressive.
He asked me to describe in 3 words how Carrie has been through the last 4 years.
There were lots of words going through my head but eventually I came up with the 3 that I feel sums Carrie up throughout her pregnancy and the 4 years following.
Amazing Inspirational Woman.
When Carrie became pregnant she was a young 19 year old doing things that young adults do.
Very quickly though she had to become much more grown up and had to deal with situations that were beyond her young years.
She did this with great courage, strength and determination.
Watching Carrie go through everything she did was difficult and all of us wanted to be able to take this pain and heartbreak away from her. It is a natural instinct to protect your family but quickly we were thrown into a world where we couldn't protect her from what was happening.
Carrie grew into this new role very quickly and shocked us with her level of maturity.
She didn't just crumble or shy away she went home and researched Charlie's condition and what she could do to give him every chance she could.
I'm not saying that there weren't times when she felt low and desperate for things to be different but she didn't just sit back, she fought for Charlie.
She made sure she rested when she could, she ate healthier foods and she nurtured that little boy that was growing inside.
If love could have saved Charlie then the love he got from his mummy would have certainly kept him here with us.
After Charlie's birth and death Carrie again amazed us all with her strength.
Most people would have probably just tried to get their life back in order and try to function from day to day.
Carrie didn't do this.
She came up with this idea that we could help other people going through the loss of a baby or child.
She wanted there to be a system where no other family should go through the lack of support she did when she left hospital.
Regardless of the fact that she was just 19 or the fact that none of us knew how to start a charity, she was not put off.
We have struggled along the way and we have felt like we have taken on more than we can deal with but whenever we have felt like giving in we just think of Charlie and Carrie and it renews our determination to keep going.
Through the last 4 years we have been privileged to meet some truly amazing people.
You always hear in the press the negatives about the world and how everyone is just out for themselves.
We can honestly say that we have come across some great supportive and generous people, who wanted to help us just because they could. They didn't want anything in return they just felt that our cause was something they wanted to get behind.
Now 4 years on we are getting people saying how we inspire them to make a difference.
We know there is still a long way to go before every bereaved family gets the support they need and deserve but we have learned that we are a very stubborn family and will never give up.
We are not frightened of getting into disagreements with people who make the decisions about the care provided and will continue to push until things are changed.
If our story can inspire others to get out there and help others going through a difficult time then we have achieved a lot.
Charlie may have only been with us for 19 minutes but his legacy will go on for years and millions of people will know about this special little boy.
He will change the face of bereavement support and his name will become linked with coordinated packages of bereavement support forever.
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