Friday, 24 February 2017

Since we lost Charlie and started the charity two of his cousins, Rhiann & Amy have always wanted to be involved in everything we do. 
They want to come along to every event we organise or attend and where it is appropriate they do come along. 

At the beginning when they were only 7 & 5 they had a couple of days where they decided that they wanted to bake some cakes and sell them to make some money. They did this on a couple more occasions and even stood outside a shopping area selling them.

With a little support from the rest of us they approached their headteacher and asked if they could hold a none uniform day with all their school friends donating a £1 to come in their own clothes. Again another great fundraising event by these fantastic young girls.

Every time we arrange to go out and do a bucket shaking event they always say they will come along, often spending many hours standing around with smiles on their faces. Last year they even came to the Leeds Rhino's home game in the rain to shake a bucket. Not even the cold and rain could put them off. 
Some of the adults involved found it hard going but these 2 girls did it with smiles on their faces.

When we have arranged some events that they have been able to take part in they have still come along to cheer people on. For example last year we had two supporters run in the 'Gung Ho' event at Temple Newsam. Once they saw the course and the giant inflatables they were so eager to have a go themselves, but walked round the course cheering all the way.

A couple of weeks ago we saw an event that has been specially designed for children to take part in. As soon as the girls saw it they both straight away said they wanted to do it.
We have now got them all signed up to take part in this and are currently trying to help them get as much sponsorship as we can.
The event they are taking part in is the 'Radical Run' which is a 3km giant inflatable assault course. Rhiann and Amy are now 10 and 8 and are definitely determined to get round the course as quick as they can.

We will all be there cheering them on but we would love to get these girls to their target of raising £500. There is a Just Giving page set up all ready for people to start donating. We would love it if as many of you as you can could go to the site and make a donation. It doesn't matter if it a £1 or £5, every penny counts.

These two girls have shown amazing devotion to doing as much as they can in memory of their cousin and we would love to see them get to their goal as it will make them feel so proud of themselves. Here is the link to their Just Giving page, so lets get their total achieved before they run the race.

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