Friday, 27 February 2015

This week has been another week when I have seen how important it is for our bereavement centre to open, and open as soon as possible.

Another family that I know are currently having to go through the trauma of losing their little baby boy.

The mother and her family are waiting for the birth knowing that her little son is not going to be alive.

What worries and saddens me is what support this family will be able to access when they have left the safe confines of the hospital.

This is yet another family that will join the 32,000 already awaiting bereavement counselling in Leeds. 

How can this be right.

It is starting to make me feel very angry and frustrated towards the system that allows these families to struggle on alone.

When we were going through the loss of Charlie none of us knew how wide spread this problem was. 

We had never had to consider the provision of bereavement services and were ignorant to the fact that the provisions were so inadequate.

I wish we never had to find out that there was a problem but I am now glad that we are able to try and make a difference.

Every time I hear of another family or meet another family going through a loss it makes me more determined that a change will happen.

I really do think that we were chosen to go through this tragedy because we are all stubborn, strong willed and the sort of people that once we start something we will not give up until we have achieved it.

I believe that everything happens in life for a reason and although you may not like the reason and it can feel very unfair you are given the event because you can get through it.

Charlies short but amazing life will make a difference to hundreds of families both now and in the future. 

This makes me feel so tremendously proud to say he was my grandson.

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