Friday, 7 July 2017

Each week things seem to be getting bigger and better for the charity, and this week has been no different.

On Monday 3rd of July we took a huge step forward on our road to opening our bereavement centre.

We have been looking around for a bigger office to move into for a little while as we have been growing out of our current one. A few weeks ago we finally found the one that we could see us developing our services in.

 We had been to see a few but this one just had that feeling about it, it felt comfortable and spacious. The office is situated close enough to the town centre for good transport links but not too close to the hustle and bustle. It also had parking spaces available which is important to us when we have clients or counsellors visit.

We have spent the last couple of weeks sorting out the furniture and decor and we think it is looking really great. 
We feel like we have made a nice welcoming environment for anyone to come along to. 

Having this room will enable us to see many more families and will allow us to start up our Community Support Group here. We are also hoping to start up drop in sessions and a men's support group.

The office will also enable our counsellors to arrange to see clients there.

Last week we held our first committee meeting at the new office which was a great opportunity for our trustees to see how things are developing. They were all really positive about the room and commented on how warm and friendly it was. We couldn't have had a better response which just confirmed that we had chosen the right one.

This week we invited 2 professionals, from the hospital, that we work closely with to come and see what we had to offer and they loved it. They agree that this is a huge step forward for us and will ensure that we can continue to grow and get our services out to as many families as possible.

The next chapter in our charities development has well and truly began. If you are ever in the area of the office please pop in to see us, let us show you around and see what we have on offer. 

We are really proud of what we have achieved so far and feel that this is just the start of something even bigger which will make sure that bereaved families are able to access the help and support they deserve and need.

Thank you to all of you for getting behind us and for your continued support it really has made a difference to us and the families we support.

Our address is Sandway Business Centre, Shannon Street, Leeds
LS9 8SS. 

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