We have had a really really busy week for the charity.
Most people would rather have quiet weeks but we welcome the fact that we are getting busier and busier as it means that more and more people are being signposted to us for support.
We have worked so hard to get our charity out there and for people to take us as a serious bereavement charity.
Now it feels like all that hard work is really starting to pay off.
Everyday we are hearing that bereaved families are now being given our leaflets and contact details as a first point of contact.
Our local NHS and community nurses are now forwarding families onto us for support and the probation services have started to contact us.
Even other bereavement services have began to forward families to us.
They have been dealing with so many referrals and some of them not always appropriate for their areas of expertise.
They are now saying that we are filling that gap and are ensuring that those families are now getting the right kind of support they need.
We are so pleased that we are now able to offer so many families the help, friendship and support they so badly need.
Our experiences have shown us that not all families are able to get that help but now we feel that as more get referred to us then they will get it.
Our sights have always been set on becoming a UK wide charity with centres in as many cities as possible.
Now this feels like it will definitely happen and probably much earlier than we thought.
We already get families contacting us from all over the UK and even from families in other countries.
Leeds NHS has often said in meetings that they want to be the flagship city for bereavement support and we feel that now they are starting to seriously look at the current provisions maybe this can become a reality.
Our aim has always been to work with the NHS and other agencies to ensure that support is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week, the more offers of support families receive the less chance there is that they will fall through the net and be left to cope alone.
No family should ever have to go through the loss of their baby or child alone and we truly believe that Charlie was given to us for a reason.
That reason is now coming to fruition.
Changes to bereavement support is starting to happen and we will continue to fight until it gets to the point where no family will ever suffer alone.
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