Elliot's Footprints is another Leeds based charity set up following the loss of their little boy.
They are currently undertaking some research into the care and support bereaved families have received following the death of a child.
Elliot’s Footprint
Research Communications
I’m contacting you from Elliot’s Footprint (charity number 1155966), a charity dedicated to ensuring that families have the support they need in the aftermath of losing a child.
The charity has identified that you may be able to help us to complete a new piece of research with bereaved families.
To improve bereavement services for families who have experienced the sudden death of a child, we want to speak to more of those who have relied upon them, so we've launched a brand new piece of research to gather the thoughts, feelings and experiences of bereaved families in and around Leeds. The findings will guide our strategy and ensure we are doing the right thing to achieve better outcomes for grieving parents and families.
As an organisation that may have come into contact with bereaved families, we need your help to recruit people to take part in our focus groups and survey.
We appreciate how sensitive this subject is and how difficult it is to invite people to take part in research such as this, but in our experience to date families are very keen to share their stories and meet people who have been through similar experiences to themselves.
Below is some information that you may find helpful if you’re able to contact families and invite them to take part.
I hope that you feel able to support our work.
If you have any questions, or would like to talk further about our research or the work of our charity, please do get in touch.
Many thanks in advance.
Kind regards, xxx
An invitation to take part in a new piece of charity research.
Elliot’s Footprint (charity number 1155966) is a charity dedicated to ensuring that families have the support they need in the aftermath of losing a child.
The charity is currently asking for parents and families who are willing to talk about their experience of bereavement support.
Founded in 2014 by bereaved parents Andrea and John Kerslake and created in their late son's name, Elliot's Footprint is working hard to enhance and improve the systems and processes that families face in the aftermath of losing a child.
If you feel that you could talk about your recent experience and provide feedback that would help the charity to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the current bereavement support services please get in touch with xxxx.
T: @ElliotsPrint
If any of you feel like you would be able to help them please use the contact details above.
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