Working in a primary school at this time of year can be very special but it can also evoke a lot of emotions.
Over the last week we have been practicing and watching nativity plays.
I have loved watching the younger children performing a traditional nativity and it gives me goosebumps seeing their little faces light up as they sing and perform.
I also found it very emotional as it made me think of Charlie even more. Imagining that it would only be a couple of years before he should be up there singing his little heart out.
I have been looking at some poems this evening and I have found a few I would like to share with you.
We are connected, My child and I,
by an invisible cord, not seen by the eye.
It's not like the cord that connects
us 'til birth
This cord can't be seen by any on Earth.
This cord does its work right from the start.
It binds us together, attatched to my heart.
I know that it's there, though no one can see,
The invisible cord from my child to me.
The strength of this cord is hard to describe.
It can't be destroyed, it can't be denied.
It's stronger than any cord man could create,
It withstands the test, can hold any weight.
And though you are gone,
Though you are not here with me,
The cord is still there, but no one can see.
It pulls at my heart, I am bruised...I am sore,
But this cord is my lifeline, as never before.
I am thankful that God connects us this way,
A mother and child--Death can't take it away!
There's a very special place
beyond our skies above
somewhere very peaceful
that is full of light and love
that special place is Heaven
where you're free to laugh and roam
it was your time to go there
so the angels took you home
And though you're in our thoughts
each single day throughout the year
at special times like Christmas
we all wish you could be here
now you're in a better place
your soul is laid to rest
safe with all the angels
for they only take the best
Ask my mummy anything
She tells alot of lies
She never did before
But from now on until she dies
She'll tell a whole lot more
Ask my mummy how she is and because she can't explain
She'll tell a little lie because she can't describe the pain
Ask my mummy how she is
She'll say "I'm alright"
If that's the truth then tell me why does she cry every single night?
She'll love me all her life, I loved her all of mine
But if you ask her she'll lie and say she's fine
I am here in heaven, I cannot hug her from here
If she lies to you, don't listen
Please hug her and hold her near
On the day we meet again
I'll smile and be bold
I'll say you're very lucky mummy to be here
With all those lies you told
Then I will hug you
And we will then be together, forever
I think the words are so meaningful and for anyone having gone through a loss they will be very poignant.
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