Tuesday, 24 June 2014

I wanted to share some of the music that I think have been important to all of us over the last 18 months.

I find that some days I don't feel like talking to others but listening to music helps me with the grieving process. There are songs that were played at Charlies funeral, music I remember listening to in the car, and music that others have put onto videos about Charlie.
I hope you enjoy listening to them.


  1. These are so great. I actually couldn't stop myself from dancing during the birthday song. And dancing brought back memories of dancing with my daughter when she was a baby. I started to cry then but soon I picked up my inherited dog and danced holding her. Thanks for these.

    1. there's a couple i cant listen to sometimes as makes me cry, nice to know you were dancing that song alwaysmakes me want to dance x

