My name is Hayley and i am Charlie's Aunty
I can remember when Carrie-ann told us the good news she
was pregnant. I was so happy for her and also happy for the girls Rhiann and
Amy to have a little cousin. Rhiann and Amy was very happy to hear the news.
They would talk about it like if Carrie-ann would have a girl or a boy or even
one of each..
The next I remember was the day of the scan. I can
remember being excited to find out how far gone she was. Carrie came to mine
after scan and that’s when we found out there was complications. I couldn't quite understand what these words meant and what was going to happen. But I was
positive and always held onto the chance. I was proud of Carrie-Ann as she
told me they asked her to terminate the pregnancy. She strongly seemed
determined to carry on with the pregnancy. I knew this was the best option.
The next few months was hard as we didn't know what she
was having or what was going to happen. Each night I would pray for everything
to be normal. We couldn't go out and buy a pink or a blue item for our niece or
Every scan Carrie-Ann
went to we prayed for good news. But the amazing thing was Charlie was still
fighting so Carrie-Ann carried on with the pregnancy. I was so proud of the
strength she had.
The next I remember was Christmas day and Carrie-Ann said
she didn't feel right and was having some pains. I thought these could be
Braxton hicks. Then on boxing day Carrie-Ann went to the hospital to get checked out
as she had the show. (A sure sign baby was coming.) I can’t remember much else
but I knew she was in and out of hospital.
Then came 28th December came and Shane
(Carrie-Ann’s brother and my partner) rang me and told me Carrie-Ann was in
labour. I was so scared. I was hoping and praying the doctors got it all wrong.
I am sure time stopped as it seemed like forever for
Charlie to be born.
I was at home with the girls when Charlie was born and I
can remember the call I got. I didn't know what to say or what to do. I felt
helpless. In a way I felt bad.
I went to the hospital a few days later. I walked in the
room and I could see carrie on the bed and Charlie in the moses basket next to
her. It looked like he was sleeping. I held Charlie and looked at his face. He
was so beautiful and so handsome. To look at him you wouldn't think he was
early or had something wrong with him. He looked normal and was the size of a
normal baby.